Are these services covered by insurance?
Illnessdoula services are not covered by insurance. Labor doula services are making progress toward that goal, hopefully illnessdoula services will follow.
do we have to meet?
I can work with you remotely. I think you get the best communications with face to face interactions but, I am available for cyberinteractions. Zoom zoom zoom
What if I don’t agree with my Doctor will Illnessdoula tell me what to do?
As an illnessdoula, I am not practicing medicine in anyway. Therefore, if you don’t agree with your doctor you are welcome to your opinion. Illnessdoula will not pass any judgement.
Can i hire illnessdoula to care for my mom?
I can help you and your Mom navigate transitions. illnessdoula is not set up to provide continuous care.
Absolutely, let’s zoom! Contact me and I’ll set it up.